Paying it Forward

It seems like a coincidence that I started my VGI Instagram account on February 16, 2015 and almost exactly 6 years later I reached 5,000 followers! One of my first posts was the illustration below by Heather Stillufsen of Rose Hill Studio. I don’t know Heather personally, but I believe most artists’ intention is to find a connection with people. [...]

Reflecting on Design

Welcome to 2018! It is a new year and definitely a time for reflection. But, I don't want to bore you with my new year's resolutions. Instead, let's talk about what is known as the "'aspirin of Feng Shui' because in design, it can be used to 'cure" so many problems" (source: Open Spaces: Feng Shui Mirrors - Do's and Don'ts). And, [...]

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